Monday, March 31, 2014

Not letting it prevent me from moving forward.....

Started yesterday, March 30, 2014.  It was more mild than the last which was more mild than the prior one.  This time I am prepared.  I went to WinCo (my favorite place for clean ingredients) and bought almonds and whole wheat flour.  I made my clean bread last night.  I stuck to the plan today and yesterday for the most part.  I had a diet coke last night.....but, GOLLY it was yummy!

I know so much about myself from this clean eating plan.  I know that when I miss a meal/snack I doom myself.  I, literally, crash and burn and blow my whole day of good intentions with one missed meal/snack.

As I was typing, I realized my snack time had approached.  So, I grabbed some almonds and a string cheese stick.  Now, I am back to normal.

We went to LV 1 1/2 weeks ago.  I had a hard time.  I expected to eat clean the entire time.  It was hard.  I struggled and took a few days off.  But, came back home and, for the most part, was right back on.

I am still hovering around 205.5.  I am trying really hard for this weeks weigh-in.

Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I need to learn how to not let my period ruin me.

I started yesterday.  I was fine yesterday.  I got up today and just knew I did not have it in me to clean eat today.  I screwed off and ate like crap until dinner.  Let's see.....I was like that hungry little caterpillar today.....

First I finished off an entire bag of Hawaiian Potato Chips with Mango and Habenero

Next, I finished off the bag of chocolate teddy grahams

Next, I opened the bag of sour jelly beans that I was saving for Easter baskets

Next, I ate a handful of left over Christmas candy cane kisses even tho they taste like crap

At least I this point I was intelligent enough to stop (only because I ate all of the crap in the house) and have almond butter with Akmak crackers

My period sabotages me in such a huge way.  I did not feel guilty or bad.  I was just this crazy-eyed maniac seeking out crap.  Thank God I did not go in the garage and dig thru the back up stock.  Ya, that would have been just too crazy.


I have told myself I will NOT weigh in this week.  I need a few days to be bloated and gross and feeling like the treadmill is satan.  I will be back in good spirits by Thursday afternoon.

I have all of the food in this house that I need to clean eat.  I just could not think of one thing that would have sustained my craze.

Tomorrow is a new day.  I will be back to my sane self and I will move forward.

My goal: 200 by Vegas.  March 20th, 2014. That will be HUGE!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

One cheat meal in the books

Tonight we celebrated my husbands birthday with his side.  I made a devils food cake with homemade chocolate buttercream frosting.  It was amazing, aside from the fact that my oven died and I had to bake the cake in a neighbors oven that was not as good as my oven.  Bit on the odd-shaped size.

Tonight was my first cheat meal.  I was a bit nervous about it.  My in-laws were making chicken mole and spanish rice with beans.  Fat, additives, bad carbs, fat and a side of fat.  I had a piece of chicken, a small spoonful of rice with the beans.  It was good. But, it was not to-die-for good.  I had been dreaming of this meal for 8 weeks and it was....okay.  I did not eat too much.  I did not eat a helping bigger than my regular portion.  I was happy with that.  The birthday cake was wonderful and I had a small tbsp. size of Neapolitan ice cream.  Just perfect.

And, my first cheat meal is in the books.

I am excited to get back on the plan in the morning.  I am really looking forward to my healthy food being back.

I am approaching 200 lbs.  and I am really happy.  I am so resolved to the fact that I must exercise once each day.  I like the feeling I get when I am all finished.  On Friday I did (6-7) 2-2 intervals.  That is a huge increase for me.  I say 6-7 because I can't remember if I did 6 or 7.

We are traveling to Las Vegas on March 20th-23rd.  We will be staying at the Station Casino and eating the buffet a few times.  I am trying to prepare myself for that time.  I will be doing it exactly by the books until we leave.  When I am on vacation I must allow myself to be off and yet stay diligent about portions.  I think the casino has a fitness room and I plan on working out daily, if time allows.

I need to figure out how to make my new life fit into my life.  I know that sounds weird, but it is true.  I cannot worry about the interruptions in my steady ride.  I must move with the flow and allow interruptions to not be roadblocks.